“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Explore the Map for Landscape and Wildlife Photography

American Desert2 Collections

Antarctica1 Collection

Botswana1 Collection

British Columbia5 Collections

California Mountains2 Collections

China1 Collection

Ethiopia1 Collection

Iceland3 Collections

India1 Collection

Israel1 Collection

Italy1 Collection

Japan1 Collection

Kenya5 Collections

Montana1 Collection

Namibia1 Collection

Nepal1 Collection

Northern California2 Collections

Pacific Ocean1 Collection

South Africa1 Collection

Sri Lanka1 Collection

Svalbard1 Collection

Taiwan1 Collection

Tanzania1 Collection

Turkey1 Collection

Ushuaia1 Collection
American Desert
Viewing 1 of 2 Collections
British Columbia
Viewing 1 of 5 Collections
Every year hundreds of grizzly bears converge at British Columbia’s Chilkotin River to gorge on sockeye salmon.
God’s Pocket
Fantastic creatures lurk under the cold Pacific waters at the very northern end of Vancouver Island.
The Khutzeymateen inlet is a gathering spot for many of British Columbia’s coastal grizzly bears.
Great Bear Rainforest
Scientists estimate that there are less than 200 spirit bears alive today. Al off them live in British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest.
Hornby Island
At the northern end of the Straight of Georgie, Stellar’s sea lions gather en mass.
California Mountains
Viewing 1 of 2 Collections
Viewing 1 of 3 Collections
Viewing 1 of 5 Collections
The Maasai
Caught between an ancient and modern way of life, Kenya’s Maasai struggle to find their place in the new world.
Masai Mara
The great plains of Kenya’s Masai Mara are one of nature’s true spectacles.
Lake Magadi
A magical soda lake in southern Kenya that turns all of the colors of the rainbow as algae interacts with the alkaline soda.
A stunningly successful rhino conservation effort in Northern Kenya
Northern Kenya
The mountains of Kenya reveal different animals, longer grass, and forests!
Northern California
Viewing 1 of 2 Collections
Explore the Map for Landscape and Wildlife Photography